Storage Solutions For Pharmaceuticals

Indian pharmaceutical industry is a key player in the international pharmaceutical trade. It is poised to experience significant growth over the next few years. The industry will grow at a rate of 15% per year until 2020, as opposed to the global industry’s 5% annual growth rate.

The Indian pharma industry is projected to reach US$ 100 million by 2025. This growth comes despite the fact that the Indian population will change, including urban migration, increased awareness and demand for healthcare, changes in demographics, age-related diseases, and shifting lifestyles.

The pharmaceutical industry faces many key challenges

  • Globalization
  • Tighter regulations and inspections
  • Price pressures
  • Complex supply chain

MHRA approved warehousing UK must respond to these challenges by constantly innovating and developing new products. They also need to find innovative ways to develop supply chain strategies and processes that ensure quality and reliability.

In a world that is complex and regulated, it is critical to have efficient and optimized pharma distribution and logistics. This industry places a lot of importance on inventory management. A better understanding of inventory is important as excess product supply can be transferred in order to avoid shortages elsewhere.

Pharmaceutic products must be kept in strict conditions. This includes temperature and traceability requirements. When designing pharmaceutical warehouses, it is important to consider the following issues:

  • The ideal temperature for maintaining the efficacy and effectiveness of drugs Different drugs have different temperatures at which they become deactivated/denatured. They should therefore be kept in the appropriate temperature and humidity zones. Different temperature zones are available for warehouse solutions: Ambient (15-25oC), Cold Room (2-4oC), Freezers (0-25-minus 15oC), and Ultra-low Temperature-Freezer Rooms (4-6oC).
  • Complete traceability to ensure fail-safe monitoring for expiry dates: It is important to use minimal hand-touch and automate inventory tracking in order to track usable, expired stock, recalled stock, returned stock, as well stock for temporary storage. ThePharmaciesDesign must account for this stock segregation area.
  • A clean and safe environment The pharmaceutical warehouses must be free of accumulated waste and vermin. You should also be able to allow pest-control programs to ensure that the drugs and chemicals are not contaminated.
  • Sterile environment: Some products need to be free from microbial contamination.
  • There is plenty of space for many different SKUs.Different drugs may be kept in different warehouses depending on the season. It is important that the layout of pharmaceutical warehouses be sufficient and flexible to allow for such changes.
  • High safety standards: Pharmacist warehouses must ensure that their storage facilities comply with OHSAS and USFDA standards.
  • TechnologyLabeling, contamination protection, and full-fledged pharmaceuticals can all be achieved using RFID (Radio Frequency ID)Warehouse Management SystemsTechnology and intelligent tools are able to significantly increase efficiency, output, and profitability.
  • Some storage systems in pharmaceutical warehouses are better than others for the above reasons. The warehouse infrastructure and racking/shelving system are determined by the products to be stored and how they were packed.

The most common types of racking/shelving systems used in pharmaceutical warehouses are:

  • Selective Pallet Racking(SPR)This adjustable racking system is the most versatile. It makes use of all the height of the warehouse and allows for 100% select storage. SPR is a great solution for medical warehouses, as it makes the most of vertical space and allows SKUs to be stored and retrieved according temperature, expiry dates, etc. This type of storage racks makes it easy to retrieve and restock specific SKUs. They are a popular storage system for pharmaceutical warehouses.
  • VNA Pallet RackingPallet Racking with Very Narrow Aisle (VNA), makes use of very little space for aisles. This space can be used instead for more racks, maximising the floor space available for storage. Specialized material handling equipment was required to maneuver in narrow aisles that regular forklifts can’t.
  • AS/RS (Automated Storage/Retrieval System):The main concern in pharmaceutical storage is that the products must be moved out of the warehouse before they expire. For time-sensitive products like medicines, stock visibility and turnover are crucial. AS/RS provides greater visibility and zero errors picking. This allows products to be stored and retrieved quickly from the racking system and can then be moved into and out of the pharmacy warehouse. Automated storing and picking increases productivity and accuracy, which in turn improves the bottom line.
  • SILVER LINING Storage Solutions offers safe and intelligent storage solutions for pharmaceuticals and drugs. These storage systems are compliant with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), which ensure safekeeping and proper handling of inventory.

Below are some of the value propositions we offer in building storage facilities for pharmaceutical industries.

Protected and controlled environment

Based on your inventory sensitivity, we can design storage solutions that are custom tailored to you.
Stock visibility and stock renewal based on need